Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Barcamp Phnom Penh review

This will be very easy: It was awesome. Everything was right, great venue, Internet was working well, interesting and informative session, I met nice people and had great talks and a great time as well. As always, I learned a lot in Cambodia.

Visit Barcampphnompenh.org for updates, search on flickr for pictures or just google the tag barcamppp for more reviews.

Norbert Klein at Barcamp Phnom PEnh about ICANN

The whole session on audio is here http://wanhoffs-wissenschaft.podspot.de/files/BArcamppp_Norbertklein.mp3

More video from Barcamp Phnom Penh 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Barcamp Phnom Penh 2009 first impressions

Just a short video from the preparations at Panasastra University for the upcoming barcamp 2009 in Phnom Penh.