This coffeeshop opened just a few months ago and quickly gained attention within the freelancer community, both expats and locals. The coffee at Biolab is excellent and very reasonable priced. Internet connection is extremely good and the service is very friendly and helpful. Located at Wat Bo/corner Street 22. Open every day from 7.30 am. Breakfast and a basic food menu available.
Noir 306
Based a the Hotel 306 at the corner of National Road 6 and Lok Taney Road this little gem opened last year and is one of my favorite places. Internet is decent, coffee is good (what was a surprise since they use Boncafe, normally not my favorite). There are two meeting rooms attached. Sitting at Noir 306 isn't the most comfortable if you are a lounge guy, but the wooden stools force you to sit straight. Lovely stuff and very good and cheap Khmer food. Our business Dine With The Locals was founded in a Noir cafe.
Noir 1928
Another new branch of the same brand. They recently opened Nour 1928 on Road 6 corner Achar Sva street, at the gas station. While it's smaller than the branch at Hotel 306, they offer the sample quality and variety of food and drinks. Decent internet speed and the same friendly stuff. Good location just opposite the Royal Gardens.Temple Bakery
While I do not like the Temple group too much because of their aggressive strategy to expand and their business behavior in Pub street, the Bakery building at Street 25 is well done. The morning shift is great, service goes down pretty quick in the late afternoon and gets - in particular at the sky deck - horrible at night.If you like to relax, stretch your legs and but you laptop on a pillow, this is the right place for you. Internet is ok, but drops sometimes. Khmer noodle soup with beef is only 1.50 between 7-9 am and highly recommended. Staff in the morning shift is quote nice and helpful.
