Thursday, January 17, 2019

Now you can dine with the locals in Siem Reap and other cities

Yes, it was quiet here for a while, but now I am back. The reason: Together with my co-founder Sorida I am trying to set up a business called Dine With The Locals. The concept: connect travelers with locals through authentic food and experiences.

We are working with Cambodian families in Siem Reap, Battambang, Benteay Meanchey and Phnom Penh (more to come). They prepare a meal, but will also shoe travelers and tourist around. Every place is a special place. We have organic farms, dancers, artist and even crocodiles.

Real local Cambodian food

If you don't know what to eat and you tried nearly every restaurant in Siem Reap, then  Dine With The Locals might be the right thing. It is authentic, so don't expect a fine dining. You may sit on the floor on a matt like all locals, or the dogs and cats will say hello, or just just reach out a bit and grab a mango from the tree. Truly local, no fake, the real experience. And yes, it is safe, because our hosts know how to make proper and healthy food.

If you want to try it, we are happy to provide you any assistance you may need, although booking is quite easy through pur website.

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